Would Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung read Shrink Rap? Somehow, I'm not so sure. Tracey Cleantis seems a bit more certain. Check out her article on Blog.com of Top 10 Psychoanalysis Blogs (Jung and Freud would read).
Thanks for the should out, Tracey, and we're always happy to be deemed accessible!
RT @TherapyTales: I see shrinkwrap have appropriated my "WWFD" thing.. should have copywrited it :(
RT @TherapyTales: I see shrinkwrap have appropriated my "WWFD" thing.. should have copywrited it :(
Tablet magazine had an interesting article this morning on Freud in Argentina.
Pretty good bet that based on the nature of the very, very different blogs, the whole WWFD thing was pure coincidence. Not to mention the what would freud do thing has appeared in blogs, pics, videos etc all over the net for years.
The implicit comparison of Freud (Sigmund I presume) to Jesus supports my contention that psychoanalysis is more religion than science.
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