Saturday, October 20, 2007

What I Learned Part 3

The final installment in my conference series. Tomorrow I come home to my fellow bloggers! I miss them.

  • In France they are doing an interesting project to look at the effects of incarceration. They are asking prisoners to spontaneously describe their incarceration experience and how they think it has affected them, then they are using computerized lexicographical analysis to define common domains of concern.
  • There was a poster looking at the neuroanatomical basis of empathy, sympathy and moral reasoning. Highly theoretical and completely lacking in data, unfortunately.
  • In 1895 Bridget Cleary was burned to death by her husband, who believed that she had been kidnapped by fairies and a changeling left in her place. It is possible that Michael Cleary suffered from a form of Capgras delusion.
  • Someone tried to do a study looking at treatment compliance and motivation for change in sex offenders, but there weren't enough sex offenders motivated to participate in the research.
  • Very few states have laws requiring mandatory reporting of impaired drivers to the MVA.
  • One Russian psychiatrist proposed that the term "dependent behavior disorder" be used as a diagnosis for a broad range of compulsive behaviors.
  • The first documented use of telepsychiatry was in 1959. In the U.K. a criminal justice statute required the installation of teleconferencing equipment throughout the courts and correctional facilities in the country. This is now being used to perform clinical and court-ordered psychiatric assessments. Free society studies have shown patient satisfaction to be similar between telepsychiatry evaluations and face-to-face interviews. In the U.S. there are a number of undefined legal issues with regard to telepsychiatry and computer-assisted treatment. These including licensing issues for practice across state lines, informed consent for remote clients/patients and malpractice coverage across state lines.
  • Directors of forensic fellowship training are working to create measurement tools and procedures to meet the core competency requirements of the American Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). There was a very nice workshop that presented a "toolbox" of techniques for documenting residents' competency as well as a discussion regarding how to prepare for an accreditation visit. The workshop also discussed the challenges of funding a forensic fellowship program.


Thank you for reading


Anonymous said...

Why no pictures? South Beach? Lobsters? The hot tub? JJ?

ClinkShrink said...

I have a lobster pic but for some reason Blogger won't let me upload it.

The last thing I learned was that no matter how tempting the hot tub is, it's a bad idea to put on a bathing suit after several days of continuous eating...

HP said...

Thank you for sharing!

No pictures of the lobster? Maybe Clinkshrink is just being shellfish *groan*

Sandra said...

That was fascinating. Thank you so much for sharing what you found at the conference!

ClinkShrink said...

HP: That was horrible. I loved it.

Sandra: You're welcome and thanks for being interested. Now you know what I think about on my time off. Scarey, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

really scary. closer to pathetic.

I don't think I heard from Victor today. What's our horoscope?

ClinkShrink said...

Here's your horoscope:

"The friendships you have been enjoying the most in your life lately are the same friendships that are going to take you further in your life in the future. These people are your connection to new opportunities and have lots of good advice (that you should listen to!). Another thing you should listen to is that little voice inside your head that is telling you to review your budget and watch what you are spending. There's no need to worry, you just need to assess your accounts."

Note the part about listening to your advice is: go to bed & get some sleep. Always good advice. I'm off to curl up and finish Love In The Time of Cholera.