Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Play This For Your Children

I love this UTube video of a mom recounting her day to the William Tell Overture. I don't know who this lady is, but she's great. You'll forgive yet another of my diversions from psychiatry....

And yes, Roy, I posted a UTube video (not just a link) all by myself!


Sarebear said...

What she said. Sang.

Roy said...

This is funny. I wonder what the Father's Song would be (yes, I know I am giving some smart-alec mother a huge opening, lol).

Anonymous said...

It is by: Anita Renfroe. Go to: anitarenfroe.com

Dr. Val said...

My friend liked this so much she wrote out all the lyrics so people could sing along. Check out my blog post today: http://www.revolutionhealth.com/blogs/valjonesmd/the-ultimate-mom-song-8164

Thanks for the GREAT video!