Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Here's wishing the best to all our readers and listeners: to new life, new hope and fresh beginnings.


Anonymous said...

I thought I was doing okay with the old stuff.

jcat said...

- and your Easter bunny is some Easter meerkat pics instead!

Catherine said...

Thank you. It is a good time to renew my belief in these things, methinks.

NeoNurseChic said...

Happy Easter to you as well! Went to church this morning - first time I've been in our church since J's funeral.... I prayed about new beginnings, hope and such like that. Have had a lot of thoughts today, and I've come to some conclusions. I figure that I work with my psychiatrist on things that, even though they are specific to my life, can seem abstract in that I can't see how they help me right now. But sometimes it's not so much that really. Sometimes the things that we talk about recur in various they various stressors or whatever...and it's not so much that I'm suddenly more magically able to handle them - but suddenly all the things we talk about in therapy make sense - as in, I can now see how I react to things a certain way and why they upset me in the way they do. I'm wondering if that's not the overall goal for me - I keep saying that I don't "feel better" - but that's not what I expect it to do. Thinking and observing today, I think in part the goal is that when the same behaviors and incidents come back again and again, I can now see them in a different light and with a different perspective. And perhaps they don't have the same power over me. At this point, I think they still have the same power over me, but at least I'm observing the power they have - as opposed to just feeling bad and not knowing why. The next step will be not allowing certain things to have the same power over my emotions and self.

I know I'm being abstract...but this is a private thought in a public place, so this is the best I can do! Just one of those days where I'm feeling a lot of emotions because of various things, and I guess maybe some things are starting to make sense...

Hope everybody has a wonderful Easter....and here's to new beginnings, or at least hanging onto hope - if not new, just keeping it alive is important. :)

Take care,
Carrie :)

Rach said...

Happy Easter to the 3 shrinks as well. I think, (if my hunch feeling is right) that this will be a spring full of new beginnings. Best wishes to you guys!