One of the things that bloggers get a kick out of (I know I do) is to look at the search terms people used that led them to the blog. I use Google Analytics to review our logs, which is one of the best log analyzers I've ever used. Here are interesting search phrases that led to Shrink Rap.
good breast
As if you were praising a pet or something. Stay.
breastfeeding campaign bronco riding
Now there's an interesting visual.
NFL player who still drinks breast milk
If he gets it from the above chick, it would be a milkshake.
51,000 hits on this search and Shrink Rap is #1. Good blog.
gleason xyrem
Poor guy. He's getting screwed. Probably cataplectic by now.
"put down the duck"
Step away from the duck and put your hands in the air.
#1 search here, too; not surprised.
myspace vs reality
Is it really one or the other?
they might be giants
Not really, but now there will be some.
Bless you, Roy. That was just what I needed to start my morning. Now I can't get it out of my head---how would a bad breast misbehave?
I actually never check to see what people are googling to get to Shrink Rap. Imagine that! I did, however, google "dead prisoner" the other day in search of a pic to slap on ClinkShrink's post. As I was pulling up photos of dead people in prison cells, it suddenly hit me: What was I thinking and why in the world was I googling "dead prisoners" and how sick is this??? Really, Clink, find your own pics. Maybe you can get a Bad Breast for your logo instead of the hokey "clink" with the fake wood laminate background. And Roy, it's good of you to come up with new and creative ways for me to spend my time. Sorry to hear you've even tried the Concerta. Someone, please, give this man a diagnosis.
My favorite thus far: "Fat woman having sex with son." I still have nightmares.
I happen to like my logo. Sigh...good thing they pay me well to be your friend.
I like Clink's logo. I wish I had one. Hmm, maybe I'll set up an avatar in blogspot...
Fat Doc, I tried googling your favorite phrase, but all I got was porn sites (no surprise). When I put it in quotes, I got nothing (although, next week that search will land Googlers smack in the middle of this blog... great).
foo (and others), email me your address at shrinkrapblog at gmail dot com and I'll send you an invite to Analytics. (you need a gmail account to use Analytics... if you can't get one of those, I can send you an invite to gmail as well). I have a few invites left that I can use.
Like am I in this club??? If they'll have me, then I don't want to be.
Carrie, Google Alerts are just for news items, so your blog won't show up (ours doesn't either).
However, when I googled "avn avascular necrosis blog", there's neonursechic, at the bottom of PAGE 1!
Dinah, you're in *this* club, and that's all that matters.
(but you're NOT in the wood-paneled logo club, na-na na-na nah-nah!)
Let me get this straight: You're googling for other people's blogs? Shouldn't you be picking up your dirty socks? Applying for grants? Something? I surrender, take the damn amphetamines already.
Alright, both of you--it's almost 10:30. Shouldn't you both be going to sleep? Why are we all up right now blogging?
And thank you Roy for the nice comment on my logo. If Dinah behaves, she may have one too.
Carrie- Email me your address and I'll send you an invite.
Foo- Glad to hear you got in "the club". (Dinah's not allowed in.)
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