Tuesday, July 25, 2006

[Roy] God as a natural phenomenon

Dan Dennett spoke in February at the TED Talks (Technology, Entertainment, & Design Conference) about he idea that the concept of God and spirituality is a byproduct of human evolution. It's about 20 minutes and is worth listening to.

It made me think more about the previous discussion about how one accepts or rejects responsibility over one's behavior based on knowledge of one's genetic code. This talk had me thinking about how some do "God's will" unquestioningly, as in "It's not my fault I blew up the abortion clinic" ... while others do good will while being atheists. Have a listen.

Also on the TED blog is a speech by Al Gore on global warming and a hilarious talk by Sir Ken Robinson on how children are taught to stop being creative early on. On University Professors: "They look upon the bodies as a means of transport for their heads... It's a way of getting their heads to meetings. "


NeoNurseChic said...
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Sarebear said...

The title of this post kinda makes it look like you are parenthetically modifying the word God, to mean Roy.

Hee hee. I know psychiatrists sometimes have a God complex, but isn't this taking it a bit far?


Steve & Barb said...

Hah! I hadn't intended that. I go back and forth between Roy: and [Roy] to prefix my posts.

Dinah said...

I think I lost why you had me listen to this. Come over, I'm ready to make you that cosmopolitan now.