Just in case you need something to read while you listen: Chapter 8 is up on Double Billing.
Welcome back. Sorry for the delay in getting this out. I will be getting #24 out this Sunday, June 10. Be sure to check out this upcoming podcast as we will have a special guest joining us -- Dr. Phil.
June 3, 2007: #23 Loons, Lefse, and the Flea
Topics include:
- Doctor Anonymous to be guest on June 17 podcast.
- Clink brings back notepads with loons on them and cinnamon lefse from the midwest.
- Flea's medical blog affects his malpractice trial. This is a fascinating story, which is well-summarized and explained on Eric Turkewitz's legal blog. We're waiting for Flea's book to come out.
- Dinah talks about transference. Also see prior post on Transference to the Blog.
- Rules for Bloggers. In response to Flea's troubles, ClinicalCases suggests Five Rules for Blogging:
1-Write as if your boss and your patients are reading your blog every day
2-Comply with HIPAA
3-Do not blog anonymously. List your name and contact information
4-If your blog is work-related, it is probably better to let your employer know
5-Use a disclaimer
- We mention a survey of medical bloggers that was done last year. Anyone have a link?
- Movie Review: Away From Her. Clink thought this movie about a woman with dementia was very good.
- Oh, remember... check out next week's podcast, when Dr. Phil will be joining us for a brief interview.
Find show notes with links at: http://mythreeshrinks.com/. The address to send us your Q&A's is there, as well. This podcast is available on iTunes (feel free to post a review) or as an RSS feed. You can also listen to or download the .mp3 or the MPEG-4 file from mythreeshrinks.com. Thank you for listening. |
I remember telling Dinah to be aware that her patients could, probably were/are reading the blog.
I look forward to joining you on the 17th. Another great show today (as usual). I just listened to it...
Loved the podcast!
Clink: I promise I won't nag you about law school anymore!
Even though the attorney for the other side can ask whatever he or she wants, it's up to YOUR attorney to object!
Thanks for addressing transference. I was hoping that you would go into why a patient might wish to murder their shrink, but I understand if that was too much to ask. I did tell therapist I wanted to murder psychiatrist and he was unfazed.
He said that he knows I would never do it.
Maybe I should just ask shrink next time. I don't want him to know, though.
Have a good weekend!
Great podcast! Just finished listening to it. I thought the end was very random, when Roy jumped in to remind us that Dr. Phil will be on next week, and then Dinah (or was it clink?) said that the wildlife needed to be seperated. LOL.
Nonetheless, very very good, A+. Chocolate for all.
Thanks. Rach, I had to insert that announcement somewhere... just realized I forgot to turn on the ending music. Maybe I'll repost it with the closing music turned on (or, maybe just the birds tweeting and the cats hissing).
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