Sunday, June 04, 2006

How Jung?

In today's New York Times Magazine, The Soprano's Lorraine Bracco is interviewed in The Doctor Is In :

Why, on "The Sopranos," did you choose to play a psychiatrist of the Jungian school in particular?
It's what I wanted to be. I like that psychiatry better. I identify with it better.
What's wrong with Freud?
You know, I don't really know enough about it to discuss it on a bigger level, but I went the Jungian way in the show.

Maybe someone can help me here: what, exactly, is Jungian about Tony Soprano's psychotherapy with Dr. Melfi?


Anonymous said...

Methinks she hasn't a clue. I see nothing particularly Jungian about the way her character works. But then again, I doubt that anyone could clearly identify me as Jungian by observing me either.

Anonymous said...

Jungian scmungian. i've never heard her mention archetypes once!!!! Who knows anything about Jungian analysts?

MT said...

Are Jungian's better looking than Freudian's?

Anonymous said...

If Lorraine Bracco is the archetype, then I would say yes, they're better looking.

Anonymous said...

Of course we Jungians are better looking!

Spiritual Emergency said...
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