Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Today's Shrink Rapper News

1) Our book is now out on Kindle. Apparently, you can get it in a minute for $10.

2) One of my old posts is up on KevinMD, Predicting How Much Impact Mental Illness has in a Person's Life.

3) In June, we hope to have another component blog up and running---Shrink Rap News-- we will be doing weekly posts on the Clinical Psychiatry News website. Those posts will target an audience of psychiatrists. Oh, we started with that idea here at Shrink Rap, but the readers we found, both shrinks and non-shrinks, have proven to be so much fun!

4) Aloha! We're getting ready to go to Hawaii for APA-- Roy will give you details about where to find us shortly.

5) Frazzled and frizzled, I did what I've never before done today: I blew off my hair stylist! Not on purpose, but I thought my appointment was 3 hours after she thought it was. Ah, you ask, did she charge me? Do hair stylists charge for No Shows? (They should). No, she had time for me later in the day, and Yes, if I can reschedule a patient who has forgotten an appointment on the same day, I don't charge for the 'missed' session. Someone would have asked that, right?


Sunny CA said...

Oh goodie! I can download it to my Kindle. I was not happy about "having" to buy a book, since I now prefer reading on Kindle due to ability to change font size and having access to the instant access dictionary. It will be the first thing I read on my summer break and maybe even sooner!

I hope you will still post here along with your additional blogging plus the book tours and radio & television interviews. ;)

Anonymous said...

I join Sunny Ca in applauding Kindle availability; just clicked to buy it now.

On the other hand, I hope that you will abandon this blog, the book tours, your regular jobs and your personal lives if that's what it takes to keep the podcasts coming regularly!

Sarebear said...

Worried you will get stretched too thin, but then again there ARE three of you. Of course isn't Roy involved in one or two other non-shrink rap blogs? Busy busy busy.

Anonymous said...

Dinah, I wanted to salute the shrink rappers for having the text to speech feature enabled on the Kindle. It is very important for people with disabilities and sadly less than 1/2 the Kindle books have this feature activated.

By the way, I won't name the author but ironically, his Kindle book is not text to speech enabled. I wrote the publicist and said that was ironic since his vision is deteriorating, he wouldn't be able to read his own book. She promised to look into it but nothing was ever done.

I have many books on my list ahead of yours so it will be awhile before I get to it. But eventually, I will as it sounds like a good one.