#10. HBO's In Treatment: The sub-blog. I Can't Take It Anymore [719 pageviews] [19 comments]
And the Number One most visited Shrink Rap post for 2008 . . .
Dinah, ClinkShrink, & Roy produce Shrink Rap: a blog by Psychiatrists for Psychiatrists, interested bystanders are also welcome. A place to talk; no one has to listen.
I'm so please Sex With Fish made the cut.
These are all great posts...
I found you guys through Google (not by searching out fish fetishes) and have been really enjoying this blog.
I'm about to start my second semester in college, double-majoring in psychology and pre-med, and feel like psychiatry is the hat for me.
When I talk to people about what I wanna do, they express to me a fear of subjectivism in the field. Something like "Oh, my friend's shrink recommended (he/she/they) do this, but this other (psychiatrist/psychologist/counselor) said that's (misdiagnosis/silly/unethical/pseudo-science)."
My question is..do you encounter these kind of sentiments often?
And secondly, with the tinges of anti-psychiatry, and mistrust of the profession/field/science in our society, do you worry about poor shrinks/counselors/psychologists?
A delightful pot-pouri of posts.
Great summer reading and educational too (mmm where do I sign up for CME points?)
Here are the Top Ten most viewed posts which were written in 2008. (I'll do a Top Ten ever if folks want it, but this gets skewed because being in the top 10 for 2007 results in even more hits, so it becomes circular.)
Perhaps an interesting exercise would be to record the number of hits that you receive in a year. Call this number num_hits(year).
Record the top ten posts of that year with their number of hits. Call this nhits(year_post).
Divide nhits(year_post) by num_hits(year).
Example: Say in 2008 you had 200,000 hits to Shrink Rap. (I've made up this number) num_hits(2008)=200,000
Your number #2 post (Street Value of Psychiatric Medications) received 1886 pageviews. Therefore nhits(2008_streetvalue...)=1886 (This number is from your post).
Divide 1886/200,000 =
0.00943 = 0.943 %
i.e. almost 1% of the hits to this blog in 2008 were due to that one post (in the case of my fictitious figure being accurate).
This is interesting in its own right, but also allows you to keep track of popular posts year-to-year.
Say next year your most popular post had 2000 hits, but you had 300,000 hits to your blog overall, this post is therefore less popular (relative to your audience). Top-ten lists converted to percentges in this way probably represent the least-amount-of-statistics way of year-to-year comparison.
You can also easily quantify how much traffic is due to your most popular posts (i.e. if 99% of visitors are interested in sex with fish, then you've done your job and can go home now...)
Norm. D. Plume
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