Monday, January 16, 2012

Our Interview with Dan Rodricks on WYPR

If you missed our interview on Midday with Dan Rodricks, you can still listen by clicking on the Download link, or clicking on the My Three Shrinks icon to the left will open up a browser player in a new window.

What is psychotherapy, how does it work? What is psychoanalysis, and why don't all shrinks practice it? Our guest this hour three Baltimore psychiatrists -- answer questions about how they work with patients. Our guests: Dr. Steven Daviss, chairman of psychiatry at Baltimore Washington Medical Center; Dr. Dinah Miller, in private practice; and Dr. Annette Hanson, a forensic psychiatrist with appointments at the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins Hospital. They write a blog together and are authors of “Shrink Rap: Three Psychiatrists Explain Their Work,” published by Johns Hopkins University Press.

Midday producer Michael Himowitz says of the book: "This is a remarkable book. I was prepared to endure it, but it turned out to be well-written without being glib pop-psychology, informative without being overly laden with jargon, and surprisingly candid about psychiatry’s failings and problems. They should have named it Shrink 101, because it really covers the basics about navigating the disorganized and confusing world of mental health care."


Anonymous said...

What kind of cereal did each of you have for breakfast? Non-fat, skim or whole milk?

Anonymous said...

It was doughnuts and vodka, if you need to know. Should be obvious considering they can't spell the name of the guy who gave them a forum. OK so its not even his real name which is probably norman flopwhot.

Dinah said...

I try so hard, but I always mess up the spelling thing. Ugh, forgive me. Mr. Rodricks.

When I do eat cereal, which I did not today, It's some form of high protein Kashi stuff that tastes like cardboard with skim milk. Why anyone would care.....