Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Shrink Rap Book for Sale, Cheap.

I periodically check to see if anyone has written any new reviews on our Shrink Rap book.  I've noticed over time that the price of the paperback varies.  It started at $12.96, then one day it was $14.96, and today it's $10.97.    Why not $10.96? or $10.99?  Well, today if you'd like to buy our book, you can get it for $10.97 on Amazon.  I guess I'll have to see what it's going for on Barnes & Noble.....


Sunny CA said...

I selected sheets one time and left them in my "shopping cart" because I was on the fence. When I came back the next day the price had dropped 20%. I bought them.

I don't know what lower price on a paperback means. There was a crossover point not long ago when more e-books were sold than print books. I am guessing there may be pressure on paperback prices from e-book prices right now. Being a Kindle owner I don't think it is fair for me to pay the same price that someone else pays for a book to be printed, bound, stored, shipped, but business is not "fair". I hope you sell a lot of copies.

Anonymous said...

I would rather read a book, that gave cure to the draft, but was unfortunate enough to receive sunstroke! LOL!

or of grief and sorrow.

PDF doc said...

I think that the price of books arrived at by a complex mathematical equation that is too complex for a simple MD to understand...this would involve number of books sold over a period of time, popularity of the field, etc. Of course, I always make things more complicated than they are...probably just some guy in the back room with a dart board with prices on it.

BTW, I recently looked up the price, so that I could read the book and be enlightened on the ducks thing. All I remember from med school about ducks is that if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck!

Hoping to be enlightened soon...

Anonymous said...

Barnes and Noble has it listed at....10.97. Coincidence?

Anonymous said...

Chart the trend against the major stock indeces. Maybe you can scoop up a few tonight for 8.97. Me, I'm sitting on my cash.

Anonymous said...

Price customization: Amazon recognizes you and prices accordingly based on your history or other data points. Or it's running 'random' pricing tests. Could be either, really. Call it discrimination. Make a fuss. I think other people have tried. They won't care.