Saturday, April 02, 2011

Which duck?

I'm making a change in the left top header [update: already changed]. Instead of the star in the orange field, I'm replacing it with Dinah's duck. I've made three design options. Our readers get to pick which one to use.

Update (4/5/2011): Thank you for everyone who voted over the weekend. The middle (yellow) duck won out. We received 132 votes; Google Forms does not provide any mechanism to prevent multiple votes from one IP address, so it is probably less than 132 individuals. Just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

Vote for the middle one!

Princesa said...

The middle duck is the cutest!!

Roy said...

Well, it's almost a wash, in that slightly more than half voted for the yellow duck and the rest (48% of ~80) voted for the orange duck, though their votes were split between the white eye and the black eye.

I failed as a survey designer, however. The choices were about duck color and eye color, so I should have presented this as four options (2x2) rather than three.

Nonetheless, we'll switch to the yellow one, unless we hear a hue and cry about it. (Frankly, I thought the orange white-eye duck was the most design-worthy, but I am not known for my design-savviness.)

Thanks for voting early and often (Dinah) and helping us make this decision.

Anonymous said...

I was torn between the orange and orange, so I went with the yellow.


Roy said...

Leslie, I hope you don't use this same voting behavior when faced with two Republicans (or Dems), LOL.

Anonymous said...

Roy, this voting behavior is strictly reserved for ducks. When it comes to politics, I generally try to choose the lesser of two evils, then consume copious amounts of alcohol.
