Thursday, April 28, 2011

Podcast #58: I Need a New Drug and Happy Five Years of Shrink Rap and Still Blogging

(Belated) Happy Blogiversary to Us!

Five Years and Still Blogging

Shrink Rap quietly turned Five on April 21st. We chatter about this while we podcast. We kept it short again and talked about some new medications. Roy mentioned a new antidepressant, Viibryd that's a bit like a combo of an SSRI + buspirone. Dinah talked about a conference she went to on psychopharm update and she read some of the slides that were presented by Dr. Neil Sandson. This led us to talk about some other new medications, including long-acting antipsychotic medications that are administered by injection.

We then talked about Silenor, a sleep medication which is the re-packaging of an older medication, Doxepin, in a lower dose. A phone call to the pharmacy revealed some interesting information about the cost of these medications, but you'll have to listen, or call the pharmacy yourself, if you want the answer.

This all led us to a discussion of the combination medication for the treatment of obesity, Contrave, that did not get FDA approval, and Steve's post on his psychiatry blog, Thought Broadcast, on Contrave compared to Swiffer floor cleaning system. Huh? Oh, listen and maybe we make sense.

Thank you for listening.
We invite you to go to iTunes and write a review.

And our Shrink Rap book should be available in the next few weeks: our review copies have arrived. Our next line will be "Go To Amazon and write a review!"


This podcast is available on iTunes or as an RSS feed or Feedburner feed. You can also listen to or download the mp3 or the MPEG-4 file from Thank you for listening. Send your questions and comments to:


Anonymous said...

where did dinah's rant go?

Rach said...

Great podcast - the discussion on combo meds was quite intriguing.

jesse said...

Happy Blogiversary, yes, but was the rant censored? In Blogisphere heaven? Would it respond to entreaty or prayer?

synergesta said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Sunny CA said...

Happy blog anniversary! In addition to your practices, undertaking this blog plus going beyond this blog to write a book is an amazing accomplishment. Not long ago Rob of "Musings of a Distractible Mind" retired from blogging with the explanation that blogging had taken away too much from his private life. Effectively blogging is like being a newspaper journalist on top of the job you are already paid to do, with little financial reward, if any. So, I also want to add my "Thank You!" for the pleasure and information I get from reading your comments.

Dinah said...

Thank you, SunnyCA! Notes like that make it worth it and we've love having you as a regular commenter.

Roy said...

Ditto. Thank you all for the well wishes. I'm looking forward to the NPR interview... what's that saying... I'm psyched! I hope I can keep up with Dinah. She's great at this stuff.