Friday, April 29, 2011

The Shrink Rappers With Neal Conan on NPR's Talk of the Nation

On Tuesday, May 3rd at 3 PM Eastern time, tune in to NPR for Talk of the Nation with Roy and Dinah as guests (and Clink in spirit). It's a call-in show, and we'd love to hear from you. (Listen to the the 31 minute segment on NPR)

And while we're at it:
Shrink Rap: Three Psychiatrists Explain Their Work
is now available on Amazon at

If that's not enough:

Please click here to take our short survey on Attitudes Towards Psychiatry.

NPR listeners are invited to take the survey,
no mental health experience needed.

To find Talk of the Nation on your radio, click HERE. Please note that some stations do not air both hours of the show (ours is during the second hour). We will post the Internet link after the program airs!
Guidelines for NPR callers can be found by clicking HERE.


Sunny CA said...

Congratulations both on publication of your book and on being on NPR. The program starts at 11am here in the SF Bay area. If you are in the second hour, I guess you will be on at 12 noon here on KQED (which listeners can find on iTunes under Radio > Public > KQED
For those of us who will be working then, it can be downloaded as a podcast or listened to online after the broadcast.

jesse said...

I'm reading Shrink Rap now. It is a wonderful book. Clear, thoughtful, and a true picture of current psychiatry. Well done, Dinah, Roy, and Clink.

Anonymous said...


Sarebear said...

Looking forward to it! If you're in the second hour, is 3pm ET the start of the first hour or second?

I'm probably a BIT late asking this as there's two hours til showtime lol.

Sarebear said...
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Sarebear said...
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April said...

Congrats shrinkrappers! Saw your book featured on NPR's site!

jesse said...

Finished Shrink Rap. It is extremely fair and balanced. It gives a true picture of psychiatry and the problems and issues psychiatrists (and their patients) face. I wonder only how it could be published in paperback for so little. I would expect the cost to be triple what it is. You Shrink Rappers deserve thanks for all that went into this.

Roy said...

Thanks, all. Jesse, the publisher suggested the price and we said sure. Apparently, Amazon deeply discounts, so the $19.95 SRP goes down to under $13. I'm hoping that means it gets into more people's hands.

Doing the NPR show was fun. Susan and Priska (producers) were just great, and I was amazed at how Neal multitasks while asking great questions and managing callers.