Dinah, ClinkShrink, & Roy produce Shrink Rap: a blog by Psychiatrists for Psychiatrists, interested bystanders are also welcome. A place to talk; no one has to listen.
That's adorable. And now I know that bears nurse from the four anterior teats. Somehow I thought that only primates nursed from the anterior teats, that other animals nursed from the teats between the hind legs. Ignorant city-dweller.
Wow! Thanks for posting this. What a treat for your friend.
That's adorable. And now I know that bears nurse from the four anterior teats. Somehow I thought that only primates nursed from the anterior teats, that other animals nursed from the teats between the hind legs. Ignorant city-dweller.
Mothers really give everything to their "cubs," don't they.
Did the friend survive? It might be noted that this is not necessarily the kind of footage one should set out to capture. c.f. "Grizzly Man"
mt, well, we do have the video, so that's a good sign.
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