On Sep 1, we started an experiment including a single Google ad block (usually 2 ads) on each page, primarily for the purpose of generating money to upgrade our podcasting equipment (which currently consists of three tin cans connected by string to my MacBook's USB port).
What we'd like to get is a mixing board and 4 quality condenser mics (~$500). Anyway, as of Sept 25 we've made $12.99 (wooo!). We've heard from one reader that an ad was served that went to an off-shore, drugs w/o a prescription site.
Google allows us to block ads from certain website, so if you find an an objectionable ad, please copy the url (right-click on the ad's link) and let us know the URL in a comment on this post. (Note, the url will look ugly, like http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BiNocrOP5RtarLZ6ca53TtcoCwqi0If7pm4ICwI23AcCaDBABGAEgiqPPBigCOABQqLXpyAJgyc6SiYikhBCyAR5wc3ljaGlhdHJpc3QtYmxvZy5ibG9nc3BvdC5jb226AQoxMjB4MjQwX2FzyAEB2gEmaHR0cDovL3BzeWNoaWF0cmlzdC1ibG9nLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS-oAwGwA5KVoAbIAwfoA4AF6AO1A-gDhgX1AwgAAAD1AwAAIAA&num=1&adurl=http://www.the_road-back.org/weight_-_loss.htm&client=ca-pub-1457668036852312&clkt=-1&nm=6
), but that's okay... just paste it in and we'll block it.)
It might be interesting to put the wacky ads you see here so we can all learn and laugh...
"Cure Depression in 3 Minutes!."
..because the only reason we are depressed is that we want to be and if would just lighten up a little we would feel so much better.
Here's one from the Washington Post...
Become A Psychiatrist
Earn a PsychiatryDegree Online or at a Campus near you! Get info.
I didn't bother following the link. So, for those of you who want to become a shrink, just take the online course. You'll be doctorin' in no time.
The ice-cream post? The word patient?
It is linking me to an abortion clinic.
While that's not a term or topic I recall searching, I will go ahead and clear my cache - just thought it was worth noting!
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