Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Three Shrinks Podcast 34: Guest Mark Komrad, MD

[33] . . . [34] . . . [35] . . . [All]

This week we have a special guest, Dr. Mark Komrad, who is an old hat at discussing psychiatric issues on broadcast media. Mark had a live, two-hour, coast-to-coast, nationally syndicated talk radio show for about 5 years. He also had a regular gig on Channel 2 with Rudy Miller, and continues to be a regular guest on NPR. Mark is the Ask-a-Doctor on the NAMI site, and also has a book coming out. Mark was a guest blogger in July, when he posted on Ethics and Continuing Education for the Psychiatrist. (And Monkey the parakeet joins in.)

September 26, 2007: #34 Guest Mark Komrad, MD

Topics include:
  • Prison Tattoo Database. Clink informs us about Maryland's tattoo database.
    Dr. Komrad talks about's inclusion of tattoos in their matching database. We also talk a bit about the psychology of getting tattoos, in general.

  • Q&A: I am a second-year medical student in Canada who is considering psychiatry. I have a few questions that hopefully you haven't already addressed elsewhere.

    Firstly, do you get many negative responses from other medical professionals and the general public for being psychiatrists. If so, how do you deal with it?

    Secondly, can you discuss some of the differences you know of in practicing psychiatry in Canada versus the US?

  • Dr. Komrad discusses how he got into Psychiatry, and the images of Psychiatrists in the movies and in Hollywood. (Mentions Irving Goffman here.) Mark points out that only 3% of Americans have even been to a psychiatrist, and so most people learn about what Psychiatry is about from movies. Movies and shows discussed include The Sopranos, Dark Shadows, Beauty and the Beast, Prince of Tides... more on Podcast #35.

  • Check out NAMI's Ask-the-Doctor column that Mark writes, also his website at

  • [Edit] Correction: Somewhere on the podcast, Dinah discusses a movie she incorrectly refers to as Reign Over Me. She meant to say The Departed.

Find show notes with links at: The address to send us your Q&A's is there, as well.

This podcast is available on iTunes (feel free to post a review) or as an RSS feed. You can also listen to or download the .mp3 or the MPEG-4 file from
Thank you for listening.


DrivingMissMolly said...

The MP3 link doesn't work.

I saw a movie on cable called "Stay" that had to do with a psychiatrist and a patient that was suicidal. I didn't watch it, but thought that perhaps none of you had heard of it so I wanted to let you know just in case you're compiling a list.

Take care. I'm looking forward to listening.


PS I wonder if Guest doc is the one I called on a radio program with a psychiatrist almost 20 years ago. I didn't make it past the screener.

DrivingMissMolly said...

Forgot to mention Robert Walker's Gangs Or Us site that also has lots of tats.


DrivingMissMolly said...

Sorry, the link works. You just have to click in exactly the right spot.



I'll give $20 for better sound equipment. Just tell me how.

Anonymous said...

There is no more Clarke Institute of Psychiatry. There is no more Addiction Research Foundation. They merged close to 10 years ago and the institution is called the Centre for AddICtions and Mental Health (CAMH).

Rach said...

I think this podcast had the best sound levels thus far. Just listened this morning (finally) - quite enjoyed the whole thing, beginning to end. I hope you'll have Mark back for another one, because I quite enjoyed the interaction amongst the 4 of you!


DrivingMissMolly said...


Maybe the podcasts sound different to me since I listen with headphones. To me it lacked "crispness."

Guest Doc sounds too much like MY shrink for my taste. I expected to see a little old man on his website, but he looks young.

Check out his website. He charges about as much as my shrink.

Roy--is your podcast voice the same voice you use with patients? You lack that overly soothing shrinky voice male psychiatrists have.


Anonymous said...

I never noticed that male shrinks have overly soothing shrinky voices. The guy from the old Kraft commercials advertising marshmallows --he had a very soothing voice. Do you think he was a shrink in his spare time?

Anonymous said...

Okay, checked out the guy's site. You better see a lawyer first if you want him to be your doctor. The page is full of disclaimers for this and for that. He has so many link listed that you should also get some readign glasses. But, the best part is the important link section at the end. From there, you can get information about how to buy one of his wife's CD's. Does he play them in the waiting room? Will he reimburse part of his fee if you don't like the music. I wonder if Clink likes Hazzanishe music as much as opera. Not likely. Would Dinah want to swap out some Led Zep from her kid's ipod in exchange? Is Roy's voice good enough for a duet? If you do buy a CD can you have your initial consult bumped up to two weeks instead of 4 to 6?
DMM--anyone can look young in a little blurry picture set on an angle. Now his wife though, click on that link, she looks young.

Rach said...

Nope, I was listening with headphones too... Maybe in my endorphin driven state (i listen to the podcasts while I workout), the voices were louder? I dunno.

DrivingMissMolly said...


I don't think it's a good idea to trash the guest docs. After all, they have given their time, gratis, to enlighten us, to share their expertise and experience. I appreciate that. But.....yeah....did you see the e-mail disclaimer page.....and to think, I just e-mail my Shrink and he e-mails back, unselfconsciously. I guess legal at the med school hasn't gotten to him yet.

He sees "high-functioning borderlines." I'll shut up now....
I've been called that.......


DrivingMissMolly said...


Didn't you see his arms? He could turn you into a pretzel! He's pretty buff. I was disappointed I couldn't make the pic bigger.

It's blurry? Thanks. I thought it was my glasses.

Do you think he colors his hair?

OK, Anon. I have a question for you since you're so smart and witty. It's more of a riddle.

What makes a borderlin, "high-functioning?"

Lily (who knows that after three suicide attempts she is going to hell anyway and so decides she will have a little fun).

Anonymous said...

Mark Komrad is THE BEST DOCTOR I've ever had in my life - all doctors - not just psychiatrists. He's warm, caring and personable. Don't judge him by all of the legal disclaimers on his site - most are required