Steve's been helping us figure out how to set up Blogger to more clearly indicate who posts what, since there are three psychiatrists who post here. [Sounds like a joke; "So, these three psychiatrists walk into a blog..."]
If I haven't totally broken the template here, you should start to notice that our individual blogs will have some differences in formatting (font, color, stuff like that), which makes it easier to tell when we switch. This post is, in fact, my test to see if it works (should be different font style).
Hopefully, these changes will allow us to stay more grounded, while maintaining a more integrated appearance.
If the color and font of old posts gets changed in this procedure, does that mean you've implanted false memories?
Never mind false memories, I'm having true identity problems. Someone changed my name from "dinah" to "shrink rap".
--posted by the lost/misidentified co-blogger with the fluctuating identity.
Oh, and on my browser, the whole sidebar fell again to the bottom, it was up top for a few days there.
I promise I had nothing to do with this. I was writing a new post today and wierd things kept happening to the format of the post list. I finally gave up, saved my post on my laptop & decided to come back later.
It got weird when I changed the blog to multiple bloggers. I never changed your name, Dinah... perhaps it is an alter. Clink's having some dissociative events, as well; while I have noted some huge missing blocks of time.
I think that messing with Cascading Style Sheets and blogs increases one's risk of scoring highly on the DES.
OK, I figured out part of this. A list tag got swapped with another XML tag so that's why the comments were outside the sidebar margin. I ran the page through an XML checker and it's throwing an error at line 144, which is where your first comment is. But, I took the comment out & the preview is the same. I think we're missing a div closing tag somewhere. Will search later.
the side bar is all gone again
5/15/06 at 7 am. --D
OK, we've got twelve closing div tags but only eleven opening div tags. Houston, we have a problem. But where, oh where, does the div tag go?
Enquiring minds want to know...
obviously, the emotional support service goat ate the missing div tag. If only he'd waited in the pill line for his lithium.....
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