Posted for ClinkShrink:
OK, so here's the rat story:
Dinah, Roy and I were walking down Bourbon Street at midnight during the APA conference. (Three psychiatrists REALLY didn't fit in down there, even though we were wearing duck necklaces.) All of the sudden this huge rat ran ou
t of an alley about two feet in front of us. Dinah screamed and did one of those cartoon-like "peddling in the air" jumps, then turned and ran. Roy and I were in hysterics. We all got back safely. Not sure what happened to the rat.
I'm sure the rat got over it's hurt feelings and went on to live a fully and ratty life. :P
shrink rat
You get used to them after a while. They're all over the New York City subway system.
We had our regional music therapy conference in NOLA a few years ago, bourbon street was a blast, but I saw no rats
The Girl: I hate rats.
Moviedoc: not me.
Anon: Never
CrazyMusicLady: 5 years in NYC, the rats all stayed on the tracks when I was around.
Quodri: Roy says he couldn't agree more.
Oh, how i wish i could have been there! Were you r e a l l y wearing ducky necklaces?
That is what i really would have wanted to see!
9 years in NYC and I see them on the sidewalks and regularly on the subway platforms. Once saw a guy kick a rat off the platform onto the tracks. Rat seemed unharmed. For some reason I prefer the rats to the pigeons. But I confess, when I first moved to NYC, I shrieked more than once at the sight of a rat.
Bwa ha hahahaha!!
I think I'd have been in the "Dinah" role had I been there.
My hubby would have been laughing his head off.
Of course, I don't think my anxiety disorders would have LET me be on Bourbon Street at Midnight, but . . .
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