Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Three Shrinks Podcast 52: The Friendly Skies

In Dinah's post Fly Those Friendly Skies she talks about the new FAA policy regarding pilots on antidepressant medication. We found out something about pilot life span. Retired pilots live five years longer than their non-flying peers.

We talk about the New York Times article In Therapy: Cell Phones Ring True. The article discusses what therapists learn about their patients through their cell phone conversations and pictures.

Roy introduced us to the Lanny-yap blog, where we found a picture of Roy's dog, Eddie. This blog has a reference to a Scientific American article on anisomycin, an experimental medication that has been used in rats to wipe out fearful memories. Shades of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)!

Finally, we talk about a prospective study of 16,000 adults who started college and tried to guess which psychiatric diagnoses were most associated with failure to complete college. The full study can be found in the April edition of Psychiatric Services.

Once again, we talk about our upcoming book. We still need a title we can all agree on. Help us out by sending ideas to!


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Thank you for listening

Send your questions and comments to: mythreeshrinksATgmailDOTcom


Randall Sexton said...

Tell me about your book...I'm creative...

Sarebear said...

I'll have to see if I can get my TIVO to cooperate and send more than a minute or two of it . . . can't sit at the computer for long.

This surgery is alot worse than the last. Also, husband said I wasn't "there" until a week or more after surgery. I know much more of what was going on inside me but hell if the psychological symptoms/trauma weren't scaring the heck out of me. I suppose I was in some kind of shock or trauma for a week, since I was so freaked out by the surgery anyway. Thing is, until I can discuss it to figure it out with my therapist, I'm not wanting to bring it up with my psychiatrist. THAT doesn't bode well . . . I debate, how much should I tell her, and how should I frame it? Especially when I don't understand what the heck it was that was going on, myself? And I was scared to heck and back by some of what I realized, when I eventually realized it (cognition slower than molasses for a week).
