Thursday, September 10, 2009

Make Me A Werewolf

Kind of funny:

Maybe the Shrink Rappers need some Purposal?


Sunny CA said...

Thanks! Very funny!

The Girl said...

Awesome! I need a cure for that annoying lycanthropy! Finally!

Anonymous said...

make me a werewolf, peel me a grape... women.

MT said...

It's the Dan Akroyd kitchen-appliance spoof (original SNL) applied to a medication. "It chops it grinds it dices it even does your income tax!" I liked the prevents/promotes/"whatever-you're into" twist.

Sarebear said...

There was an episode of Mental, where a guy INSISTING that he needed to be seen (but no one would pay attention, the psych area was being cleared to be sterilized, scrubbed down because of a nosocomial-infection that caused the death of a patient elsewhere in the hospital and the family was suing, resistant strain of something or other); anyway this INSISTANT patient said he was a werewolf and harm would come to people if he wasn't treated before that night - a smarmy doc (the one trying to oust the good guy great accent psychiatrist star of show) prescribed him something that he guaranteed would provent werewolfism.

The patient didn't look entirely convinced, but he took the scrip and went away . . . .

Musta been this med, hee hee hee!