Home Inspection is now available on Amazon as an e-book for $3.99. Prime members can borrow it from the lending library for free.
Amazon allows authors to promote books for free for a few days, and since I'd love to have people read my book -- and I'm hanging on to that day job anyway -- the e-book will be available starting this Sunday, 7/22 for 4 days, at no cost.
If you don't own a own a Kindle, you can install a free Kindle app on your computer, tablet, or cell phone by going here, and then you can download any Amazon e-book.
Not only would I like to invite you to download my e-book for free, I'd like to invite you to tell anyone you think might enjoy, to put it on your blog or tweet it (especially if you have a mental health related blog), and to come to my 'virtual' Facebook event. It's virtual, so sadly no food or ducks, no wine or song, but you can 'attend' and still watch baseball.
What's the book about? Love, psychotherapy, hope, relationships, getting over the past and moving on. It's told in the voice of the psychiatrist, so a bit of a look at what's happening on the other side of the metaphorical couch as he thinks about his patients, his problems, and the process of therapy.
What are folks saying?
Home Inspection presents psychotherapy in all its richness, messiness, compassion, and uncertainties. If you want to explore the complexities of insight-oriented therapy "from the inside," this is the book for you.
--Ronald Pies MD, author of "A Consumer's Guide to Choosing the Right Psychotherapist" and"The Heart Broken Open."
I think we have to wait and see what everyone else says.
If you read it, please go to Amazon and write a review!
I am interested with the book but I can not find the link for the kindle download.
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