Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Well this was really nice-- author Pete Early quoted our soon-to-be-released book on his blog in a post called
Chemical Imbalances: Real or Imagined?

Pete is the author of Crazy (and many other books), the story of his difficulties negotiating the mental health system. From his website:

Crazy: A Father’s Search Through America’s Mental Health Madness is a nonfiction book that tells two stories. The first is my son’s. The second describes what I observed during a year-long investigation inside the Miami- Dade County jail, where I was given unrestricted access. I feel more passionately about this book than any I have every written. Our nation’s jails and prisons have become our new mental asylums. I wrote this book as a wake-up call to expose how persons with mental illness are ending up behind bars when what they need is help, not punishment.

Looks like something Clink might like? Rumor has it she thought it it was wonderful.

Our thanks to Pete for the early shout-out on our book!


Anonymous said...

Pete is a great guy and it's a great book. He is very involved with NAMI now because of his experiences with his son. I met him when our affiliate had him speak to us last year.

primary care psych said...

Nice posting. The mental health crisis in America is real. We need changes in our health system to improve access and we need more providers- we have a shortage of psychiatrists (about 45,0000 to date and growing every day). Who will care for these individuals when they get ObamaCare insurance?