As you may remember (or might want to forget) we three Shrink Rappers are writing a book. Taken in bits from our blog, it's a more serious endeavor to describe what it is psychiatrists do and to explain and discuss our work. It's written for anyone who is interested in psychiatry--the lay public and students of the field, but not for psychiatrists.
It feels like we've been at this forever and a day. We put the proposal together, we searched for a publisher, there was the whole approval process, and finally a contract. The contract was an eighteen month project, so our drop dead date is in late June, and we're about ready to drop dead. Final draft here, and we are so grateful to our patient families, and our reviewers. It's nothing short of a miracle that I haven't killed Roy. Really. And vice versa, I'm sure.
So we've had an issue that we've been stuck on, and if you've been following us throughout this, you know that we can't figure out what to name the book! For a while, we were using Off the Couch...and I liked it and ClinkShrink liked it, but Roy didn't and our editor was blah on it, and then last week, another book was released on psychoanalysis called....Off the Couch! So much for that.
Tonight we got together with a mission: Name That Book. We came up with Four potential titles. I'm fine with all of them. And once again, I'm asking your opinion. Please, no Sex with Fish recommendations.
Details: more to follow, but the book, whatever its name might be, will be released in Spring of 2011 by Johns Hopkins University Press.
Please bear with us and vote once again on a possible title!
These are all really boring. Sorry, I don't have a suggestion, but my vote is "definitely none of these."
I kind of agree that all of them are pretty boring. That said, this blog is pretty awesome!
All three names are boring and don't reflect the humour and richness of your blog. I think you should go with something more humourous, like "Three shrinks, a couch and a duck". (Not that you have a duck, that I know of, but you get the gist.) Or "Shrink Rap: Tales from the Couch/Tales of Three Psychiatrists". Or perhaps "It Came From the Couch"?
ALL are boring!
Quietly Horrified:
They are awful (you asked and I'm saying).
None of those titles will tempt me to take the book from the shelf in the bookshop (and I love book stores and spend many a pleasant hour browsing).
Back to the drawing board (please go back to it)
Paperdoll :)
The book also does not reflect the richness of our humor (thank you, anon who said that)! When talking in a book, without the give and take we have here, about serious and distressing issues, humor becomes "flip" and makes people uncomfortable. It is easy reading, but it's not fun or funny. We'll be happy with "important"?
So one of the options was....
Psychiatry Revealed
Flashes of Insight
With a pic of Freud in a trench coat....
Does that help?
How about "Do You Mind? Psychiatry in Today's World".
Hi Cuzzie,
I have to agree with the general consensus on these possible book titles. Too dry and "text-booky." None of them would prompt me to want to read the book (and I DO want to read the book!). Taking a note from Anon #2, Laurie and I personally like "Shrink Rap: Three Shrinks, a Couch and a Duck" and then you could have the picture of Freud in a trench coat holding a duck! Just our humble and loving opinion. :-) Also, "Shrink Rap: Tales from the Couch" is pretty good too. Love you!
do u really want freud on your cover? all these choices are terrible-doesn't matter if the book is not intended to be fun or funny. the title has to make someone want to pick it up.guess you have found a way to monetize your blog.
I always have loved and still love "Shrink Rap" because it is a clever play on words. I am not so keen on the tag line, but the tag line is probably OK considering that on most book covers the tag line it tiny and the first part of the title is very large. Other than "Shrink Rap" the titles have nothing that would set a book apart. Consider the book "Freakonomics". I read a list of the other titles he considered which were very academic sounding and the book may have flopped with those other titles. So you could also consider a made-up word whatever that might be. Shrink Rap: three tales from the couch is pretty good. Shrink Rap: what 3 shrinks think?
I gotta agree that those titles sound too dry. Even if the book is more serious than your blog, the title has to get the attention of your readers. I'd think something more along the lines of "Shrink Rap: A peek into psychiatrists' minds" would introduce the irony of a book about the thoughts of people who analyze thought.
I actually think "shrink rap" should be in the name. You have a brand here, and it makes sense to use it!
I agree that "shrink rap" should be in the title. Its light and fun and YOURS, and acts as a counterbalance to the more serious tone of the rest of the title.
I'd like a duck to feature prominently on the cover.
I say go with "Shrink Rap" also. It's very catchy.
my suggestion: Shrink Rap- tales from the Couch is the best one
Ok point taken,
Trying to put on a publisher hat momentarily, because that what is you have to work with, not having great thoughts of Freud in a trench coat with any title that says "Flashes" too close too "Flashers". Dirty old man ...trench coats...... Nope not for me.
I know as much as popular demand here.. with your fans ..... may mandate "Dinah and the Dynamos".....One night only........70's costumes.....big boots and blue eyeshadow. " Super trouper beams are going to blind me, but I won't feel blue (perhaps a reference to depression), Like I always do, because somewhere in the crowd there's you" Sorry a shameful ripoff of Mamma Mia.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is the distinct pleasure of the management to present the evening's star attraction. For your listening and dancing participation and psychological enjoyment, tonight on this stage, it will be my privilege to give you one of the world's last living, working rhythm and all star bloggers. Here they are, back after their exclusive three-year tour of Europe, Scandinavia and the sub-continent. Won't you please welcome from Calumet City, Illinois, the show-band of Dinah Clink-Srink and Roy, The Shrink Rappers....
Please have some fun with it ......Yes we know there will be no ducks....a twist.... a small one.....even if subtle and only discernible to the thinking shrink rap blogger amongst us. Even if like a "Where's Wally" page slip the support duck in......for us.
Yes a serious topic. For sure.
Don't let them talk you into crap name that does not reflect you guys as a group. There has to be some medium ground.
Vicki and Paperdoll
... I can see a serene water that would reflect the somber tone of a serious book.... Calm island..perhaps a sunset... and a little bird paddling in the water. Not noticed by 99% of individuals wandering the book store...but to your groupies...we would know, its true the support duck
At lest the debate about Off the Couch is done and dusted. I can't say that I am thrilled with other titles, with the exception of Shrink Rap. The others are turgid (sorry) and would do nothing to encourage me to pick up the book. Shrink Rap on the other has a spark to it and is more enticing.
@Ladyk73 Yes! The duck must be incorportated somehow on the cover!
@Anon i love "It Came From The Couch"...hee!
Why not just Shrink Rap?
or even
Shrink Rap: Psychiatry Revealed
Shrink Rap: Insights into Psychiatry
The flashes one makes me think of someone "flashing" . . . . my mind must be in the gutter, lol!
I voted for the first one.
Since the book isn't like the blog, ie, wasn't able to translate the humor over like the third commenter likes (and others), I don't think the titles are bad, necessarily. IF the book WAS like the blog, humor and all (not that I think it's totally humorless, but I understand you couldn't make it like the blog, exactly), then something different would be called for.
How about Flashes of Insight: Three Psychiatrists Explain Their Work?
It combines your other titles and I think the opening before the colon will be more appealing than just a blah psychiatry label. To me, the other ones make your work seem more pristine and academic than I think you want it to be.
Then again, you could always eeny-meany-miney-mo it.
How about Shrink Rap Manifesto
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