Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let it Snow?

Thought I'd say. I hear there's a blizzard in New England. Oh, I hear that because the airport I'm trying to fly to is closed and so my flight hasn't taken off, grounded for who-knows-how-long and here I am in the airport where I'm trying to decide if I should read the New York Times Magazine or write a blog post. I think I'm going to have time for both....

Yes, Roy, I'll submit something to Grand Rounds.....


Anonymous said...

Oh that sucks! Well not for us because we get a post, but airport delays are rubbish. Hope you get out there quick. Merry Christmas

Lola x

Lee said...

I'm stranded at an airport too. Managed to get out of boston, but now I'm stuck in Chicago. Good thing they have internet (even though they charge for it -_-)

shraddha said...

Yep!Its snowing too much here too!(NE)
Good luck!


shrink on the couch said...

Ugh, anytime I see big snowstorms on the weather channel I think about travelers. Speedy return!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays Shrink Rap. I have really enjoyed getting to know you all this year.

FooFoo5 said...

I hope your not traveling to sunny SoCal. Forecast: rain, rain, and more rain. And cold. Ok, you don't have to shovel it...

Happy holiday(s) x3!