Wednesday, March 05, 2008

HBO In Treatment....Back for More

Laura un-fires Paul as her therapist. She shows up with maple syrup. They sit on the couch together and she talks about her father in the ICU and Paul declares his "very deep feelings" for Laura. She talks about her regret for sleeping with an older man as a teenager, her anger that he'd slept with her at all. Paul holds a distressed Laura, he talks about his own longings for a teacher who agreed to a kiss, but then Paul got scared and left. Paul assures Laura he won't abandon her, he hugs her, offers reassurance and a kiss on the forehead. Laura leaves to go negotiate her father's care. Paul holds his head in his hands. Laura runs into Kate who is taking out the garbage and looking a little less than glamorous. And did I mention that Paul's daughter was in the beginning of the show, upset at finding her father's couch made up as his bed?

Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. It's a no-no to breach these boundaries with any patient, but there is something particularly distasteful about doing it with a woman who is talking about her distressing past sexual relationship with a male authority figure. Mercifully, the episode was only 23 minutes long.


On Tuesday, we discover that Kate is not happy about seeing Laura outside. "I thought you said she quit therapy." And Alex arrives: "I'm glad you came back" says Paul. Really? He spars with Paul, talks about how he's killed people, offers a dream. And of course he drinks water. It's another therapy/beverage session. I didn't make it through the whole session.....tell me if I missed anything....


So one of our commenters asked:

I really enjoy reading a psychiatrist's impression of the series. I have been following the series and am really shocked! All the patients seem so hostile toward the doctor. In real life, do you see this type of anger when people try to get help and work through problems? I just think it is so weird. Thanks!

Dear Anonymous Commenter: No, in real life people are not hostile towards the doctor. It's not that people never get angry or annoyed, but a) it's occasional b) it's not this kind of instant outrageous hostility. I think this is pretty weird, too.


Catherine said...

In the beginning I wished I could have seen this series. Now after having almost daily plot summaries, I have no regrets. Thank you for the public service.

April said...

there's some homosexual issues coming up for Alex...Alex said his dad taught him that anyone who lets their feelings control them is a ________. Alex wants Paul to accuse him of being gay, but Paul's not being that forward. That's what I got from watching the 2-minute recap. I was a fan of the show, but honestly I'm glad I'm only watching the recaps every week---it's really all you need. That's my suggestion if watching the whole episode is too torturous. Because I think the dialogue that comes out of the show (in places like this) is really what is worthwhile.

NeoNurseChic said...

It really creeped me out that Paul was still going after his own desires as Laura was telling him this story about being taken advantage of sexually. She is telling him in the story that while she may "wanted" certain things from David, all she ever really wanted was for someone to hold her - she never wanted a sexual relationship. And it seems clear that Paul should realize that Laura really doesn't want a sexual relationship with Paul, either. She may say that's what she wants because she sexualizes everything based on her past - but it's not truly what she wants. A good therapist ought to be able to figure this out. I would have had greater respect for Paul's character if he had realized the situation in front of him and not persisted with his own desires.

And episodes with Alex - I can't even watch those anymore. His character bothers me too much. So I just skip over those or have them on in the background whilst doing something else.

I certainly don't much care for the show, but for some reason I keep watching it. I wonder if that wasn't the creators intent! haha

Take care,

Anonymous said...


The show had so much potential! This is just.....


Anonymous said...

well........Paul is human after all...why can't he have feelings for his patient?? His marriage is a sham....he can talk to her....she obviously wants to screw him, so........just end the therapy, then she can have him!!

I say, go girl! he's sexy, disturbing, charming....and it sure will be an experince for ya!! xxx

Anonymous said...

I would love to do Paul!! Wish he was my doc...........yum yum