Saturday, March 31, 2012

Back to Work on Monday

So the first thing that showed up on my Twitter feed this morning was a picture of the winning lottery ticket. No, it wasn't any of our Shrink Rappers and it wasn't anybody I know personally. I can tell you that I would definitely not be tweeting my win to the entire world. Somebody is going to live to regret that.


Dinah said...

How do you know I didn't win?

ClinkShrink said...

I know who tweeted the ticket pic.

Anonymous said...

Dang, I didn't win either! My first ever lottery ticket. Winning such a huge amount would be both a blessing and a curse. Not only could you do some wonderful philanthropic things, but then I don't know that you would ever feel safe, or would be able to trust the intentions of others.

It's fun to imagine.

Dinah said...

So who one? Will they be my friend?

Sarebear said...

if i won millions, i'd be your friend.

course, i'll be your friend without having any millions too. 8)