Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Electric Bra

I was stretched out on the couch, watching television with my family, but my attention had wandered.
“Are bras electric?” Bethlet, my eleven-year-old, asked. Huh?
“Are bras electric?” She repeated the question, and this time I convinced myself I’d heard it right. I didn’t get it.
“There was a commercial for a bra,” Bethlet explained, “ and they said it was wireless. If it’s wireless, doesn’t it have to be electric?”
I had to think about this to figure it out, but when I was done laughing, I was left to ineptly explain the concept of underwire support. I struggled for the right image of the electric bra: a small battery concealed in a pocket next to the hooks, or perhaps a powerpack making the entire undergarment rechargable. There my imaginary electric bra sat, next to our laptops, cell phones, palm pilot, and blackberry, getting revved up for the day.
I keep thinking this anecdote must have some relevance to psychiatry, it just has to....


Anonymous said...

I think your electrical puns are fantastic. Whoever came up with those must be very clever.

Anonymous said...

The blog looks nice and I see you've got the links working---nice job.
> I was going to think of something intelligent to contribute but I'm
> still trying to get my brain around the electric bra idea. I'm working
> on it's relevance to psychiatry. I think the link has something to do
> with resistance in psychotherapy? Or maybe cognitive capacitance? Or
> circuitous thinking?

Anonymous said...

an electric bra could damage your mamory

ClinkShrink said...

OK, that was good.