Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Blogiversary to Us!

Shrink Rap is Celebrating FOUR YEARS today!

Peeps, we gotta go out to eat! And no, Roy, you may not bring a sauerkraut banana cream pie.
-this is our 1,211th post-


  1. W00T!!!

    Congratulations ~

  2. Congratulations to you all. Keep up the great work!

  3. Happy 4th anniversary.

    I really enjoy your site here and four more!

    I googled 4th anniversaries. The traditional gift is fruit or flowers. A flowering rose would be the ideal gift. I did particularly enjoy the site with anniversary ideas for 4th husbands on 4th anniversaries......

    I wish you a beautiful rose bush or a silk scarf with a fruit or flower design.


  4. Hey Clink, Did Roy bring YOU any roses? I'm still waiting.

    Thanks for the kind words!

  5. Congratulations, keep it up Dr Shock

  6. Congratulations - keep up the great work! Justin


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