Monday, December 01, 2008

Congratulations, Fat Doctor!

Look! Fat Doctor and her family have a new baby girl. What a cutie.


On a totally different note, I just read the strangest article in the Sunday New York Times. The author has a very detailed discussion of her sex life, of how she's no longer interested in her husband, of her first orgasm, and she mentions her episodes of depression, though not as a cause of her weak libido. I'm not posting a link, I'm not even comfortable citing the author's name. The detail would have been rather intimate if I'd heard it from a friend, or perhaps even a patient, but to read it in the New York Times--- somehow I felt like I was prying. I can't help but wonder how the husband (the no longer interesting former object of sexual desire) must have felt.


  1. Dang, now I'm going to have to search for it myself!

  2. Hm. That's really embarrassing. Sounds like a midlife crisis to me. Why would anyone write & publish that anywhere?

  3. Wow, that was indeed a strange article! All of her pleasures and energies seem to be tied into fashioning a dream house. Hope you won't mind me posting what I thought was a telling line, "Sheer fear of that plunging pain is what held me back". Plunging pain? Perhaps she should think about why her 19 year old self associated intercourse with that phrase.

  4. A little surfing shows that the author released a book earlier this decade that was harshly criticized for its lack of scientific rigor. What could be better for book sales than very sexual and very public self-disclosure!?

  5. Congratulations, Mama Fat Doctor!!!

  6. I am wondering since the woman has depression, if she is on an antidepressant that is causing this behavior. On the Paxil Progress Boards,, there is a family support section because so many people, after being placed on Paxil or something similar, lose interest in their spouse. This has been the case of several near or complete divorces.


  7. Yeah....tmi, shes doing it right. The internet can be bizarre....
    And yay about FD's daughter...

  8. Did she use her full name? Now that letter will come up in a Google search on her forever and ever.

  9. I agree--totally crazy article. Coming from New England puritan bloodlines, self-disclosure like that seems insane.

    Question for you psychotherapists out there: do your clients talk about sex? I mean, it must come up sometimes. Again, maybe it's just the puritan in me, but does this get awkward?


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