Thursday, May 03, 2007

Quack: More Than I Wanted To Know

This New York Times article from May 1st on Duck Genitalia (no, I'm not kidding) caught my attention and I thought I'd share it here. Apparently the duck's phallus can be as long as his whole body. Funny, all those rubber ducky guys look so innocent.

[Clink: This post is for Gerbil, who doubted our ability to re-use the label MNP]


  1. Awesome.

    Clink, you just made my evening.

  2. Gerbil, 'twas Dinah who posted this, although w/Clink's name there at the bottom, one could easily think she did.

    I had a giggle fit when I read this. I could use more giggle fits; laughter is medicine, you know. Better than Prozac!

  3. Dinah wrote the post, I wrote the dedication. It was just a race to get to the blog first once that article came out.

  4. I stand corrected!

    My evening was made by the combination of Dinah's post and Clink's dedication.

  5. AnonymousMay 07, 2007

    Uh, actually, I won! The link was in the Grand Rounds submission, Duck soup (check under penis (reporting) envy! ;^)


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