Friday, May 18, 2007

Chapter Two

The beginning of Chapter Two is posted: Click Here.
Tomorrow, I promise, SSRI withdrawal syndrome. Really!

[From Clink: This is your fourth blog post about Double Billing this week, but who's counting? I've decided I really must write a serialized short story about a writer who ends up in prison.]


  1. It's my obsession of the moment.
    Will your serialized story have posting options?
    Look, I fed and ballooned you on your birthday. I introduced you to someone nice. I give you chocolate. I'm going to ride a segway with you. Again. I went to a Human Sacrifice lecture on your behalf. Roy is the one who should be complaining. All he gets is the chocolate and and an agreement to "Talk Shoe" at 11pm on a Saturday night.
    Before the blog, I had a life.

  2. It's a wonderful obsession and I'm going to be spending a lot of time writing comments I suspect. Will all chapters have two versions or will life be simple?

    My serialized story will have posting options as well as a permanent top-most link to Double Billing ("where the REAL writer works"). I will wait until Double Billing is well established. It will take me that long to write anyway. (You would have it done in an afternoon.)

    You do many nice things for me and I'm glad you're my friend.

    Roy would complain if you ever let him out of the floorboards.

    11pm on Saturday night? When do you people ever sleep???

  3. Dinah, if you restart your SSRI today, you won't have to worry about getting SSRI withdrawal syndrome tomorrow. (Not personal medical advice. Talk to your doctor. YMMV. Do not incinerate.)

  4. AnonymousMay 24, 2007

    Shrinkrap #76 might be of interest. Picked up one of his books at an airport a while back and I think I enjoyed it.

  5. AnonymousMay 24, 2007

    Sorry, meant SR Radio.

  6. I went cold turkey off of Effexor once. They closed the plant hubby worked at, so the insurance stopped.

    I. do. not. recommend. this. ever. it . was. very. horrid.

  7. I know you are joshing her, just trying to be funny using a not funny experience.

    This probably only makes sense in my head.


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