Friday, December 29, 2006

50 Top-rated 2006 Psychiatric Journal Articles, per MDLinx

I don't know how useful this is, as I never rank the list of emailed articles I get weekly from MDLinx, so I'm not sure how many others do. That being said, here is a list of the 50 top-rated psych articles for 2006.

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Blogged with Flock


  1. I wasn't registered, oh well. Where's Clink? I emailed her from the Apple Store in pasadena (she can be the little old lady) and never heard back. Did someone incarcerate her?

  2. I was detained in my comforter sleeping for the last twelve hours. Man, I needed that!

    I just got your email now & wrote back.

    I've been away from the blog for a couple days because, God help me, I've discovered Linux. I burned a copy of Damn Small Linux onto a CD and can now boot from a LiveCD to free myself from the repressive IT security types who tell me I don't have the user privileges to even change the date on my machine. Sheesh. (A geek-speak rant, venting to Roy.)

    Thanks for the link to the interesting resource Roy; I'm going to explore this one more when I get the chance.

  3. Oh dear, Linux... Don't fear the penguins. ;)

    I just slept all day wrapped up in my comforter. Sometimes it truly is much needed! My mom just woke me up by bringing in my kitty wrapped up in a blanket. Cute. ;)

    Happy New Year! :)

  4. Not registered. How frustrating. Any way you could just post the list?

  5. Disregard previous post. Signing in was pretty easy :). Past that, another frustration; have to pay for full text and abstract don't disclose much. Argh.


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